I would like my produciton website to consist of four pages, a homepage that will include information on history of the production company. An 'About' page that will include a detailed synopsis of my horror film, 'The Dare Devil'. A 'Photos' page, which will include various photographs from the poster designs, character profiles and screen shots from the trailer. This page will also include the actual trailer and you will be able to comment on the media products on this page. Finally I would like to create a 'Contact' page, where the audience will be able to comment in forums and answers questions that are placed up there. Competitions will also be set here to. Within my mock ups I have also included aspects like chose of colour scheme and typography.
After doing some research I decided to use a web design software called 'moonfruit'. I wanted to use a free site, and this particular is simple to use, but there is no restriction to how creative you can be, as you have total design control. This means I can convey my style of the horror genre simply, but effectively. Below is the link to the homepage of the website.
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