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Tuesday 28 February 2012

Second filming shoot - Still and moving image

Actor: Jack Wallace and Daniel Kimmitt
Location: Pluckley Woods      Weather: Mild, but cloudy.

Above is the still and moving images that I have chosen from the shoot that may be suitable for my final media products. These include a scene in the woods with Jack Wallace and Daniel Kimmitt. It also includes film of the car driving to Pluckley woods. Still images have been taken for character profiles for my website and also the poster designs.

I had to be organised within the whole process of this coursework to avoid mistakes, especially as I had a lot of footage of different scenes from different days! It was very helpful to organise my   work into folders of different filming shoots.

Below is some of the footage I took on the second day of filming. Note these moving images before they had been through the post production process and edited into my trailer.

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